The Pā, Waikato University

The Pā


Described as a bi-cultural gateway to the University of Waikato’s Hamilton campus, the Pā is a testament to the collaboration between the design consortiums of Architectus, Jasmax designTRIBE and Wraight & Associates. The design teams worked alongside the Kīngitanga and Tikanga group, as well as with the University, ensuring appropriate narrative, process and protocols were observed. ⁠

The project involves the preservation of an original 60’s building (now the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies), plus new structures for the wharenui, a University leadership executive wing and a central student hub for gathering, study and socialising.

Jasmax explains, “The interior spaces of The Pā are designed for versatilty and adaptability, accommodating functions such as graduations, cultural performances, conferences, hui and events”.

For these multi-use spaces, the design team selected First Forward and First Define from Belgian eco-carpet manufacturers modulyss. The First Collection utilises pre and post-consumer recycled content, has a GUT A+ rating, and is certified with credits from GECA, BREEAM, LEED, WELL and HQE. ⁠

⁠The Pā was awarded NZIA Architecture Education and Resene Colour Awards for Waikato and Bay of Plenty for 2024.⁠


World Architecture Festival (WAF) Awards 2024, Highly Commended for Higher Education and Research

NZIA Architecture Award, Ted McCoy Award 2024 for Education

NZIA Resene Colour Award 2024

NZ Commercial Projects Gold Award for Education

PCNZ Rider Levett Bucknall Property Industry Awards, Best in Category for Sustainability Building and Education 2024


CLIENT: University of Waikato

ARCHITECTS: Jasmax, Architectus, designTribe


First Forward 990, 668

First Define 965, 957


Heritage Carpets is the exclusive distributor of modulyss in New Zealand.